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  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: In 2011, Zodiak Media, the owners of the franchise, announced a new shorter format for the series that would air on CBeebies at the beginning of 2012. The new format had a narrator in the form of Dave Lamb of Come Dine With Me fame, and the removal of the Yogo (a gentle form of yoga) segments. As soon as it premiered, parents went to the comments on the comments page about the new format on the CBeebies Grown-Ups website in droves complaining that neither they nor their children liked the new format, especially with the narration from Dave Lamb sounding too sarcastic and hard for the age demographic to understand.
    • This was one of the few examples where parents were successful enough to get the CBeebies programming team to understand their complaints, as the following day, the original series was brought back for reruns.
    • The 10-minute version did return to CBeebies at a later date, but the narration was removed completely. However, the version of Series 1 on YouTube with the shorter format does retain Dave Lamb's narration.
