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YMMV / VeggieTales Episode 2 God Wants Me To Forgive Them!?!

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  • Padding: Phil Vischer admitted that "The Forgive-O-Matic" segment was just something he gave the animators to keep them busy (and on the payroll) while he came up with the second episode.
  • Replacement Scrappy: The "Forgive-O-Matic" sketch was nowhere near as beloved as the "Silly Songs" segment, which viewers wrote in to complain about. Phil Vischer later said how surprised he was that people assumed "Silly Songs" would be a regular segment and made it so afterward.
  • Signature Line: Larry interrupting Bob during the "What We Have Learned Song" with "bamboobamboobamboo." It makes absolutely no sense at all and comes clean out of nowhere, but it's so uncharacteristically Larry that you will never forget it.
  • Sophomore Slump: While the episode isn't considered bad and has its fans, the grand majority of fans tend to forget about this episode and consider it a lot weaker than either episode surrounding it. The first segment in particular seems to only be remembered for its catchy opening song, as it otherwise moves very slow, lacks a lot of good humor, and what little it does have is unusually mean-spirited for the show as it all comes at Junior's expense. The second segment does seem to be remembered a bit better but was the first major example of a pop culture parody on this show and it was clear they were still working out some of the nuances of that. Oh yeah, and the lack of a Silly Song doesn't exactly help either (although the skit in its place is pretty funny if you give it the chance).
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: While Forgiveness is the Aesop of the video, and its value can't be denied, Larry in the second section hasn't done much to earn that forgiveness when you really think about it. After stranding everyone on the island (which was his fault for daydreaming while steering the ship, something he promised not to do), all Larry does is constantly apologize for it, when putting in actual effort to help them get back home would have helped make him more sympathetic and slightly less irresponsible. And we know he has the capabilities, since he built a raft for himself to get off the island, yet it never crosses his mind to make it big enough for everyone else. Larry doesn't even get to rectify his mistake and get everyone off the island in the end—that honor goes to The Professornote .
