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YMMV / Toy Story Toons

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  • Awesome Music: The party music by BT that accompany Partysaurus Rex bring EDM to the Toy Story universe for the first time!
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: T-Bone's toyline (see Word of God on the Trivia page for more details) of robots that turn into meat products seems uncannily reminiscent of the Hunger Hubs.
  • Unexpected Character: Condorman was one of several live-action flops from Disney in the late 70s/early 80s, and its cheesy storyline and production values, as compared to The Black Hole or TRON, has left it obscure to even many Disney fans. So seeing him as one of the discarded kids' meal toys in Small Fry was a pretty big surprise.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: The water effects in Partysaurus Rex are pretty impressive.
