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YMMV / The History of Middle-earth

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  • Complete Monster: The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two's "The Fall of Gondolin": Meglin, the original iteration of Maeglin, lacks his future counterpart's redeeming features to instead be a selfish, cowardly brute. A Gnome who pines after his own royal cousin Idril as much for lust as for the power she has, Meglin harbors vile thoughts of taking Idril as his own and murdering her lover Tuor. Meglin turns the tables on his captors when he is taken by the evil Melko's forces, becoming a spy for Melko and serving the entire city of Gondolin to his army on a platter to be utterly decimated and its population wiped out, all in exchange for Idril and a position in Melko's empire. To bring in his victory as Gondolin burns around him thanks to his machinations, Meglin tries to force Idril to watch as he burns her young son alive, planning to then force himself on her to consummate his lifelong desire to have Idril as his wife.
  • Tear Jerker: Aegnor/Andreth. Aegnor the elf loved Andreth the mortal woman, but they didn't marry, since Aegnor didn't want to live forever as Andreth faded away. In a burst of tragic irony, Aegnor was killed in the Dagor Bragollach, long before Andreth's own end.) Aegnor's brother Finrod believed (possibly because Aegnor told him) that Aegnor would refuse reincarnation, preferring to remain dead in the hope that he could be reunited with Andreth at the end of time.
