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YMMV / The Day of the Triffids (2009)

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  • Anvilicious: The series has an unsubtle subtext of "Look after the natural world or it will eat you."
  • Complete Monster: The man who takes the name "Torrence" is one of the few still with sight in the world after most of humanity is blinded. Stealing life preservers on a plane crash, even from children, to cushion his fall, Torrence takes over England as Prime Minister with a bloody coup and enacts a harsh regime to cling to power, causing bloody battles and murdering anyone in his way to stay on top. When encountering the heroes and their adopted children, Torrence abandons his men to die and tries to murder them for spite, even threatening to feed the little girls to the Triffids before trying to kill the hero Ben for pure spite.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Torrence crosses it either when he orders Bill and Major Coker to be fed to Triffids to get them out of the way, or when he threatens to kill Susan and Lucy (two children) if Bill doesn't arrive at a solution to the Triffid plague.
    • It comes right in his first scene when Torrence cold-bloodedly takes a lifejacket from a child to cushion his own landing.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The show didn't portray what happened to the surviving military/civilian personnel in an attempt to rebuild British government control after Bill and Jo were captured by Coker.
