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YMMV / Team Medical Dragon

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  • Ho Yay: The conversation between Kitou and Asada as the latter is recovering from an accident that might potentially cost him his godlike surgical skills almost reads like an argument between a pair of lovers going through a break up. Asada declares his intent to leave Meishin regardless of the elections' outcome, despite initially promising to work under Kitou's department if Katou loses, while Kitou desperately tries to dissuade him, saying that he's more attracted to Asada's personality than his skills, and is willing to offer Asada a place in the ER and employ him as a mediocre doctor, no matter how long it takes for him to heal. Then Asada admits that he loves Kitou's smooth and shady nature, but tells him to find a more suitable "partner", and even spouting the "it's not you, it's me" line as his reason for rejecting Kitou's offer.
  • Jerkass Woobie:
    • Kihara. On one hand, it's difficult to really like him because he perpetuates the old hospital hierachy by repeatedly sucking up to his superiors to secure his place. On the other hand, it's difficult not to feel bad for him, either, when he finds out his mother got into a car crash and interrupts one of Asada's Batista operations, begging him to operate on her or when he's shown to cry when he listens in on Kirishima saying his first name and then reveal nobody else seems to know it. Katou gets the closest, but she gets her kanji mixed up.
    • Kirishima as well. He's a manipulative, backstabbing and conniving Jerkass who had framed Asada for medical malpractice in the past—being the cause of the latter's disgraced state Katou found him in when she was about to recruit him into her Batista team—and comes to Meishin to steal Katou's research and stands in the way of her goal of reform. However, it's still quite heartbreaking to see him be utterly crushed by Katou when none of the professors voted for him during the professorship elections, and, due to the hospital politics, none of his former supporters were willing to acknowledge him when he comes to bid them farewell, and he ends up leaving Meishin alone and disgraced. The fact that he's Took a Level in Kindness when this actually happens makes the whole scene even more tragic.
      Ijuuin: The professorship, allies, dreams, ambitions... He's lost it all. Dr. Kirishima who is leaving Meishin looks like a lost child to me.
  • Values Dissonance: Practices that were necessary in underequipped and understaffed NGO field hospitals, such as having a nurse collect a vessel graft if no surgeon is available to do so, are strenuously discouraged in the rule-governed halls of Japanese medicine.
