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YMMV / Samurai Jack - S5 E6: "XCVII"

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  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: Demongo's cameo. He just bursts into the Bad Guy Bar looking for the greatest warriors he can find, sees that nobody really fits that description, and just leaves. No mention is made of him later in the episode, and he was just there for Pandering and to show he's somehow still alive.
  • Nightmare Retardant: One of the robots taking off his helmet to show blood-vein like wires and eyeballs? Disturbing. His deep, booming voice sounding far less menacing (as well as it sounding like Hermes) as he takes off the helmet? Hilarious.
  • Pandering to the Base: Much of the episode seems to have been made with the fans in mind, with recreations of a lot of the series' most famous moments, the return of popular characters (such as Da Samurai and Demongo), and actual profanity.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Demongo could have been set up as trying to get revenge on Jack for defeating him years ago, or establish him as a new threat pursuing him. He is instead used for a quick gag.
  • Unexpected Character:
    • Given that his first appearance ended with him casually and unambiguously killed by Aku, Demongo's presence is incredibly surprising.
    • Scaramouche's disembodied head waking up was a surprise as well.
