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YMMV / Paper Mario: The Temple of the Sun

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  • Complete Monster: Bulbin, in "The Plant and the Factory", is the mayor of Viney Valley who is secretly running the Poisoned Factory, which is an incredibly dangerous place that is poisoning its surroundings. In doing so, Bulbin has threatened the lives of everyone on Chronoside by tainting their main source of water, the Trickleback River, while also causing several of his own citizens to get incredibly sick. In order to protect his image, Bulbin frames a citizen of Viney Valley who discovered the truth by telling everyone that she was the one responsible instead of him, forcing her out of her home in exile. Bulbin then proceeds to force her to work for him afterwards by threatening the life of her sickly son unless she does everything she's told to. When he's finally discovered, Bulbin proceeds to experiment upon himself by ingesting some of his own poison to give him the advantage in the fight.
