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YMMV / Mystery Science Theater 3000 S04 E23: Bride of the Monster

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  • Suspiciously Similar Song: The middle portion of the Hired! song ("I got a job today!") is a riff on the A Chorus Line song "I Hope I Get It".
  • Unintentional Period Piece: Believe it or not, trend forecasting was a buzzy topic around 1993, and Faith Popcorn (who changed her name from Faith Plotkin) was fairly well-known at the time for her outlandish predictions about societal attitudes and technological innovations (like clothing infused with "neuro-chemicals"), so for his invention exchange Joel went for the obvious pun and came up with microwave popcorn stuffed with futurist observations. Faith Popcorn is still around today but her 15 Minutes of Fame have long-since passed, so the sketch needs some explaining for modern audiences.
