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YMMV / Little House On The Prairie S 8 E 3 Dark Sage

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Alternative Character Interpretation:

  • Given Dr. Baker's cordial interaction with the Black Dr. Tane (aj African-American doctor who attends Indians at a reservation) in Season 3's "The Wisdom of Solomon", was he always prejudiced towards Black doctors in general and only hid this from Dr. Tane out of politeness? Or was he respectful to a Black doctor who tended to Indians but reluctant to the idea of one tending white patients?
  • Mr. Sherman's "I guess I should say 'thank you'" to Dr. LeDoux after the latter saves his wife and newborn: Was he showing remorse for trying to stop him from delivering his child and seeing how his racism almost got his wife and child killed? Or was he showing resentment for owing a Black man his family's life?
  • Fridge Horror:
    • Caesarian sections were incredibly dangerous to perform before the advent of penicillin. While the pregnant woman was spared a dangerous childbirth, healing properly was likely extremely difficult for her.
    • Dr. Baker admits that he lacks Dr. LeDoux's surgeon skills and couldn't perform a Caesarian like he did. Given that LeDoux disappeared later, implying that he eventually moved from town, how many women couldn't be saved after his absence?
