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YMMV / Kraken: Atrapados en el abismo

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  • Jerkass Woobie: Harris degenerates into a violent loon due to the magnetic paranoia, but pieces of his previous, presumably genuine lively personality can be trying to surface in midst of his rage towards Nadia, so it's hard not to feel sorry for him once the reader knows the reason of his behavior. He's informed to have ended up in the infirmary the very next day, meaning he was basically on the verge of breaking down.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic:
    • It can be hard to root for Nora given how rude, unapproachable and even downright unstable she comes across as most of the time, even towards people who are trying their best to be reasonable and explain their situation to her. Viewers with some psychology knowledge might wonder if she's intentionally written with a preexistent mental disorder under all her current troubles.
    • Nora kissing Charlie as a tease on his last day, fully knowing she has an unrequited love for her, can be considered actually very callous.
    • At the end of the book, Catherine Caitlin acts all contrite towards Golombek's death and visibly tries to pass as a mourning colleague of his... all after she had pettily threatened to destroy Golombek's career if he didn't achieve success (in an already difficult mission that she had left underbudgeted), which only pushed him further into making the exact kind of reckless decisions that led to his death. She is basically the biggest Karma Houdini of the novel.
