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YMMV / Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

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  • Demonic Spiders: The Needy Knob module. Unlike the other two Needy Modules, which simply require you to press a button or hold down a lever, this one makes you match an LED pattern in the Bomb Manual and then put the knob in the proper position... and the orientation of the knob is constantly changing to further screw with your head. It's designed to be a complete and utter time waster, so unless your disarmer has already memorized the patterns, you're better off just starting over if you get one. Even the Bomb Manual lampshades it.
  • Difficulty Spike:
    • The Memory module is likely going to be the first wall new players encounter. Until you figure out that you're supposed to be noting both the number and the position of the button you press at each stage, prepare to fail over and over and over again.
    • The second wall most players are likely to run into is Complicated Wires. The overly complex Venn diagram that dominates the module's Manual page is daunting enough just to look at, much less interpret to figure out under precisely which circumstance each wire can be cut. Players who can master this module shouldn't have trouble with anything else the base game throws at them.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: BLING! Bomb defused!
  • Memetic Mutation: Quebec 6 1 Charlie Echo 4Explanation 
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Imagine yourself trying to defuse a bomb without looking at the manual. Make too many mistakes and the bomb will explode in front of your face, presumably killing you.
    • Watching the bomb count down to 0:00 right in front of you as you frantically rush to disarm it is terrifying even for expert players.
  • That One Level:
    • Blinkenlights, in which you have 90 seconds to disarm five Simon Says modules. Because these modules eat up a lot of time as it is, 18 seconds per module simply isn't enough time unless you've memorized the button chart. Even if you have, if you're unfortunate enough not to get any length-3 patterns, you've got an Unwinnable level on your hands no matter how good you are.
      • Ironically, this is also the easiest bomb to solo since Red/Blue and Green/Yellow are simply flipped if the serial number contains a vowel, which is very easy to memorize and thus requires absolutely no communication.
    • Double Trouble, which gives you two Needy Knobs to deal with. Having to constantly drop what you're doing to deal with them while under pressure of instant death makes this level an exercise in frustration. God help you if it gives you a Memory or Complicated Wires module on top of it.
