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YMMV / JToH's Joke Towers

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  • Awesome Music: On top of some difficulties having songs from other pieces of media that have been tried and true to be perceived as one of the best musical scores ever, the official themes for difficulties are usually handpicked to encapture what goes on in the difficulty.
  • Bizarro Episode: After the rather vague obstacles section, there is so much barely-related dialogue in Uproarious coming after as to where one might begin to wonder how the thing is even a difficulty.
  • Development Hell:
    • The earlier reserved difficulties still aren't out to this day.
    • Nerdiness has been unfinished for over a year and counting.
  • Discredited Trope: Sentient difficulties were an ongoing trend in the wiki at some point, but they sparked so much controversy as to where they are nowadays practically barred from creation.
  • Narm: The wiki's standards were particularly low at a certain point; it is because of this that sometimes there would be insufferably edgy difficulties (especially in what was Class 24 at the time) that attempt to be the end-all-be-all, spam zalgo text, and the obstacles section is a ginormous wall of text comprised almost entirely of just random, ill-defined infinite numbers.
    • Eternal Ruinous, one of the more infamous examples of this, was archived in a blog post, if you really wanna get a feel of these edgy difficulties.
