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YMMV / Extreme Ghostbusters E 22 Slimers Sacrifice

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  • Complete Monster: Surt is a godlike ghost who seeks to bring about the apocalypse. His minion Fenris prepares his coming by turning three humans into his vanguards. When Slimer ends up in the containment unit, Surt demands to know how Slimer got in there and hints that he is going to torture the information out of him. When Surt senses Eduardo's presence, he allows him to rescue Slimer and waits for him to open the exit to the containment unit so he can follow them. When Eduardo realizes Surt's plan and destroys the remote that will open the exit, Surt activates a spell he placed on Slimer to make him cut Eduardo's oxygen tank, before releasing Slimer from his control so he can realize that he just doomed his friend and be left to watch him suffocate and die, with Surt promising to return and torture Slimer after Eduardo dies.
