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YMMV / Exoprimal

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  • Awesome Music: "Exohuman" is a hype-inducing rock song which is often compared to the likes of Linkin Park's older songs. Its vocals and instruments regularly shift between a calm melancholic vibe and aggressive screamo, though they're often cleanly-transitioned as it's easily possible to tell the song shifting its gears depending on the verse. It's composed by Casey Edwards, who previously wrote "Devil Trigger" and "Bury the Light" for Devil May Cry 5.
  • Complacent Gaming Syndrome:
    • The Deadeye is the most used Assault Class Exo, if not the most commonly used Exosuit period. This is because His play style is pretty straightforward and not entirely different from the standard third-person shooter character, with him even bearing a stock assault rifle that is useful against all enemy types. This makes The Deadeye a character that is generally useful in most situations, while the other three Assault Exos fill more specialized niches.
    • The Witchdoctor is also a common sight for anyone playing Support, as he's the most straightforward Support - he stays close and puts up healing fields for friendlies, and zaps enemies that get close. The others take a bit more thinking and strategy to use effectively, while Witchdoctor is effective while requiring little effort.
    • While not as common as the above you'll commonly see defenders take out Roadblock Alpha with Legendary Taunt as a module. Alpha places down his shield and taunting draws the enemy towards the shield, not Roadblock, while the module causes it to slowly repair so long as he's taunting. This makes this combo a masterclass in distracting lesser enemies while keeping solid sustain, but it's not the only good use of Alpha Roadblock.
  • Game-Breaker: The Barrage has gained a reputation of being this. Since all of his abilities revolve around explosives and Grenade Spam, A decent Barrage can wipe out waves of raptors within seconds and they can do good damage against the large dinos and enemy players. It's even been reported that a team consisting entirely of Barrage can complete a mission in under three minutes.
  • Goddamn Bats: Pteranodons are weak flying enemies who are usually more annoying to hit than anything. And for some reason they can shove exosuits with their attack which no other lesser dino can do interrupting things like revives or Roadblock taunts when no other lesser dino can, or shoving you off edges you were near.
  • So Okay, It's Average: The general consensus is that Exoprimal can be a fun (if repetitive) game, and that its mechanics and performance are handled competently enough. It's clearly an attempt by Capcom at making their own Live-service Hero Shooter, but doesn't really have much to make it stand out from other similar games on the market aside from its unique premise. It also didn't help that the game is considered overpriced (apart from the Game Pass) at launch and it was released on the same year as two other much more critically-acclaimed Capcom titles, which made Exoprimal seem lackluster in comparison.
  • Spiritual Successor: To Dino Crisis, combined with Lost Planet and Sharknado for good measure (Powered Armor wearing soldiers fighting dinosaurs that came from dimensional storm, as in pouring.)
