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YMMV / Earth One

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Batman: Earth One: The Big Bads both count:
      • Volume One: Mayor Oswald Cobblepot note  takes Corrupt Politician to new levels. Cobblepot runs Gotham like his own private Mafia and tried to have Thomas Wayne killed for running against him as Mayor. He represses the courts through fear and intimidation, allows crime to run rampant and utilizes an insane Serial Killer called Birthday Boy by providing him with young, female victims. When a judge fails to stop Harvey and Jessica Dent from investigating him, Cobblepot has the judge's eldest daughter given to Birthday Boy in payment for the assassination of a corrupt officer who has become a liability, promising that should he fail again, the judge's younger daughter will be next. When he finally confronts Batman, Cobblepot tries to slice him to pieces with a sword umbrella, laughing about the corrupt nature of Gotham City and how his only regret was that a mugger got to Thomas Wayne before his plan went off.
      • Volume Two: This volume's Big Bad, The Riddler, is a nobody attempting to be somebody. To that end, after Mayor Cobblepot's death, he takes over one fifth of his criminal empire and has aspirations on the other 80 percent. Framing his assassinations as mass killings, the Riddler rigs an elevator with a bomb and gives the inhabitants sixty seconds to answer a riddle, killing all on board, including his target, when time is up. His next target is killed when he bombs an art museum. The third is onboard a public train with families and children aboard. When Batman gets the riddle correct, the Riddler blows up the train anyways and later attempts to blow up the police precinct to tie up loose ends.
    • Superman's Volume Three: General Zod-El was once Krypton's greatest soldier. After a conflict with his brother Jor-El, Zod started a bloody Civil War that killed many of his own people. Upon his loss, Zod helped Krypton's enemies destroy the world, watching billions die with the sole condition that he be the one and only survivor, even if it meant Earth being destroyed in the process. Zod later arrives to torture and murder Clark, his own nephew, threatening to murder Clark's mother for spite and being willing to kill as many humans as it takes to hurt him more.
    • Wonder Woman: Hercules is a savage misogynist who is responsible for the trauma of the Amazons, as well as Diana's father. Attacking the Amazons and stripping them of power and agency, Hercules rapes Hyppolyta, attempting to force her to be his personal Sex Slave while giving the remainder of the Amazons to his men to suffer the same, boasting that their children will live and die by his grace.
