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YMMV / Doctor Who S10 E3 "Frontier in Space"

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  • Foe Yay Shipping: While Holding the Floor to distract the Master, Jo delivers this line:
    I really do think you ought to be a bit more reasonable with the Master. I mean, he keeps offering you a share in the galaxy, or whatever's going on, and you keep refusing him and playing dirty tricks on him. But, you see, the trouble is with you is, well, you're so stiff-necked. I mean, you've got to realise that this time...
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The mind probe scene becomes this after "The Five Doctors."
  • Narm: As with several of Malcolm Hulke's other Doctor Who stories, often the episodes don't end on anything that can really be described as a cliffhanger, instead just stopping at the 25-minute mark. It's most pronounced with the ending to episode 4, which tries to make something dramatic out of an Ogron sitting around and observing a screen. This was partly because the timing was wrong on almost every episode, meaning many of the scripted cliffhangers were replaced with moments that matched what the episode duration should be. The intended Episode 4 cliffhanger was the Draconians capturing the Doctor, Jo and the Master and threatening them with execution.
  • Shocking Moments: The reveal that the Master works with the Daleks.
  • Values Resonance: Early in the story it's implied that active membership in the "Peace Party", and potentially even just voicing support for the party, is an imprisonable offence. While this was likely intended on a commentary on the treatment received by British pacifists during World War I and World War II, and possibly also contemporary opponents of The Vietnam War, it struck another chord during The War on Terror, where speaking out against the invasions of Afghanistan and/or Iraq was for a while a one-way ticket to social ostracisation and potentially even career ruination.
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: The Draconians, with striking, elaborate, individualised and expressive faces, are the best looking aliens the show would manage for decades. They were Jon Pertwee's favourite monster, as he recalls an event where he'd been talking to an actor and found himself forgetting he had a mask on.
