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YMMV / Diner Dash Adventures

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  • Play the Game, Skip the Story: Despite the game's increased emphasis on story, many players just skip through all the dialogues and not care about what's going on with the characters at all.
  • The Scrappy: Of all the normal guests, Bernie Bookman is the most disliked due to his extremely slow order/eating time that often breaks combo and prevents the player from earning the coins and hearts they need to complete a level.
  • That One Level: Judging from the FB comments, nobody likes the Just Cruise Inn venue, due to the odd double-elevator layout frequently causing Flo to accidentally go up and down in circles (often repeatedly) when they accidentally click on the elevator instead of the customers' rooms, thus wasting time.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: For fans of the older Diner Dash games, the character redesigns and the change in artsyle for this game was not well-received, mainly because most characters’ designs in this game look completely different than in previous games.
