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YMMV / Devour

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Tropes present in the 2005 film:

  • Complete Monster: Anne Kilton, who's actually Satan itself, seeks to find her son Jake who was taken away by a couple. With the help of her accomplice Aidan Kater, she creates an online game called the "Pathway". The players who aren't her son are possessed, compelled to kill people they hate, then kill themselves by self-mutilation. Unable to reveal herself to him until he kills someone, Satan seduces her son by using the identity of Marisol. During the film, she manipulates Jake, causes the death of his two closest friends, kills his uncle, then kills his adoptive parents before collecting their blood in a chalice. When Jake refuses to join her, Satan forcefeeds him with the blood of his adoptive parents then frames him for her murders.
  • Nightmare Retardant: Conrad's body looks silly with pencils in the ears.

Tropes present in the 2021 Survival-Horror video game:

  • Complacent Gaming Syndrome: Experienced players will note that, until players make their first sacrifice (of goats, rats, or whatnot), the possessed cult leader won't start hunting them. Most take advantage of this lull to collect all the First Aid kits and batteries in one area (usually by the entrance or the ritual site itself), to make it easier to find these and help downed teammates.
