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YMMV / Dark Studios Kids Next Door

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  • Draco in Leather Pants: Darkton admits he did this to Cree. It's downplayed, though; while she's definitely more sympathetic, she's still quite evil.
  • Growing the Beard: Audiences and the Editor really took a liking to DOLL, but Darkton considers GIRLY to be where the series started to get good.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Noted by Darkton twice in the same story (DOLL):
    • The first was that he had no idea that someone was actually making knockoff Rainbow Monkey products.
    • The second was that the show the KND boys are watching, Mech Changers uses Toonami bumpers, seeing as how the fics are set in 2005. One year later, that dream becomes a reality.
    • In JAPAN, Numbuh 450 says that she and Numbuh 692 are aliens using cloaking devices to disguise their true forms. Years later, Numbuh 73.419 and Lizzie Divine are revealed to be as well, but with more effective disguises. Makes one wonder what they'll do if they meet, especially since 450 is implied to be lying.
  • Protection from Editors: Subverted. Starting with DOLL, Darkton uses an in-house editor.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Reading it by the text Michel wouldn't seem too bad, but actually seeing his design has him take the cake with his Dude Looks Like a Lady and Wholesome Crossdresser nature. Even Darkton has to go out of his way to make sure people realize Michel is a guy.
