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YMMV / Coming Out of Their Shells

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  • Awesome Music: As ridiculous as the songs are, many agree that they are all pretty catchy and entertaining. Special mention goes to "Pizza Power", which was liked enough for it to be used in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time.
  • So Bad, It's Good: Like We Wish You a Turtle Christmas, Coming Out of Their Shells has developed a cult following among the more forgiving Ninja Turtles fans as a time-capsule of the Early '90's, its Ham and Cheese delivery, its all-over-the-place messaging and cheap production design making it entertaining in a way they weren't intending.
  • Special Effect Failure: The costumes eventually switch from looking like in the picture on the main page; to a set of suits more in line with the follow-up tour and the We Wish You a Turtle Christmas and Turtle Tunes videos. The most obvious difference is the obvious downgrade in the animatronics that renders the Turtles' mouth movements as little more than 'Mouth wide open" and "mouth closed in a terrifying grin". Both suits can be seen on the home video version of the tour, showing off the quality disparity as the more complicated costumes are used for the pre-filmed backstage material, while the show itself uses the later ones.
