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YMMV / CatGhost

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  • Awesome Music: The whole Spare Hearts album by Exit Mouse, made specifically for the show.
  • Fan Community Nicknames: The creators refer to the CatGhost fanbase as "Children".
  • Fridge Logic: So...why didn't the Key just tell Elon to keep the two Giddeons away from each other?
    • It seems like the two Gideons touching each other was inevitable. And probably because their universe ending wasn't bad. It just changed. The Key may also be unaware of how to stop the apocalypse from happening.
  • Genius Bonus:
    • In the first episode, Gideon wants to play "Up Jenkins or Able Whackets," both of which are real games.
    • The writing used throughout episode 2 Knock is known as the Theban Alphabet, used by witches to encode their spells.
  • I Knew It!: In the first five episodes, Gideon's voice was credited to Clone #221. Many fans correctly guessed he was actually voiced by Cr1TiKaL, which was revealed in episode 6, Hole.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • In Confrontation, during the flashback, a "spelling error" is quickly corrected from sweatie to sweetie. This is a reference to the "Ok sweaty *" meme.
  • Tear Jerker: The final half of Episode 7. As Elon gets more and more suspicious about the quakes and the Gideon clone, she ends up in the void where she meets the Key. She is told that the universe will end by Gideon's hands and that there is nothing that can be done about it. By the end of the episode, Elon and Naarah solemnly share their last few moments together as the universe explodes.
  • Reality Subtext: In Acceptance, a Freeze-Frame Bonus reveals a demon called Aglasis. Aglasis is a demon from the Grimorium Verum.
    • Naarah's backstory of being a Native child kidnapped and raised by white colonists outside their culture is a very real phenomenon, to the point of spawning the 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act.
