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YMMV / Bride and Prejudice

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  • Esoteric Happy Ending: Darcy's comment at the start of the film about Balraj doing better to look in England or the US for a girl to marry (rather than in "Hicksville, India"), is portrayed as part of his generally dickish and disdainful attitude towards India early in the film, but actually he has a point. Presuming Lalita and Jaya go to live in the West, they are going to spend the rest of their lives in a culture which is completely different from the one they grew up in, with husbands who have very different ideas about money, what constitutes a healthy family-work balance, and possibly religion. Marriages have crumbled under a lot less.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Naveen Andrews (Balraj) and Indira Varma (Kiran) would soon become known to international TV audiences for their roles in Lost and Rome respectively.
