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YMMV / Bojack Horseman S 2 E 01 Brand New Couch

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  • Genius Bonus: In "Brand New Couch," Beatrice calls BoJack to tell him she read his book, and says "It takes a real narcissist to think anyone would want to buy a book about him. You know how I feel about Anne Frank." At first blush, it seems like a case of Upper-Class Twit making a mistake, along with a hefty does of Early-Installment Weirdness since she's later shown to be an avid Bookworm. However, not many people know that Anne Frank did intend to publish her diary after the war. While she and her family were in hiding, they heard on the radio that the Dutch government wanted to collect and publish ordinary people's diaries after the war to document that point in their history, and keep up morale. Anne Frank heard this and heavily altered her diary (both existing passages and going forward) with a future reading audience in mind. After her father was the only one to survive the Holocaust, he published her diary to honor her dying wish. Being so well-informed, Beatrice would know this.
