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YMMV / Bob's Burgers S9E18 "If You Love It So Much, Why Don't You Marionette?"

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  • Sequelitis: As noted in Same Plot Sequel under the main page, the episode is a sort of successor to "Carpe Museum". However, while "Carpe Museum" is considered one of the better episodes of the series due to its humor, introducing well-liked characters (namely Regular-Sized Rudy, perhaps the biggest Ensemble Dark Horse in the series), and having a surprising amount of emotional depth due to the heartwarming character interactions (primarily between Bob and Louise), many consider this episode inferior for lacking these same things. More specifically:
    • Some consider the intentionally boring field trip to be a bit too boring, making the process leading up to Louise sneaking off quite painful. In comparison, the field trip in "Carpe Museum", while lame enough for the viewer to understand Louise's point, still has some entertainment value (primarily thanks to the other characters).
    • Speaking of the other characters, all of the kids sans Louise are completely Out of Focus in this episode (including Tina and Gene), while "Carpe Museum" showcases all of the kids (just with added focus on Louise and Rudy).
    • The characters introduced here are nowhere near as popular as those in "Carpe Museum" (though to be fair they're one-shot characters here as opposed to "Carpe Museum" introducing two recurring characters).
    • Bob and Louise's dynamic is placed front-and-center in "Carpe Museum", and their bond is consistently lauded as one of the more heartwarming aspects of the series. It's safe to say that Louise's dynamic with one of the theater employees in this episode doesn't even come close to it.
    • There is one point that gets consistent praise—the Growing Up Sucks aspect to it, which has reminded some people of "Hawk & Chick" (which was also praised for using the same aspect and playing it up for all the emotional value it was worth). However, even then some people feel that "Hawk & Chick" did it better, creating another instance of this trope.
