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YMMV / Black House

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  • Catharsis Factor: The book tosses out some exceptionally tortuous comeuppances to some very deserving characters.
    • Maxwell Chipper, who's heartlessly exploited the seniors under his care and even doesn't care that Charles Burnside is the Fisherman except for easy blackmail material, somehow doesn't think trying to blackmail someone like the Fisherman could go at all badly, and gets slowly stabbed to death for it.
    • Burnside himself is badly wounded in the stomach by Henry, which then allows Tyler to reach into his guts and pull his intestines out, screaming at him to die the whole time.
    • Wanda Kinderling has her attempted murder-suicide of Jack go horribly wrong when she accidentally empties her gun into Jack with none left over for herself. She's then tackled to the ground so hard that it breaks several bones, leaving her in serious pain while also still facing the full consequences of an open-and-shut murder charge.
  • Complete Monster: Both halves of "The Fisherman" count:
    • Mr. Munshun, aka Malshun or the Monday Man, is a demon in service to the Crimson King. Running an operation with countless child slaves who are forced to work to death, Munshun also targets "Breakers", special children to be delivered to the Crimson King and enslaved for their powers in the King's nightmarish court with the eventual goal of bringing down the Dark Tower and ending existence. Munshun possesses the most twisted killers like Charles Burnside, Albert Fish and Jeffrey Dahmer, helping them to realize their desires and to murder children as long as they send the Breakers back to the Crimson King while murdering any mundane children they encounter, with Munshun glorying in the murders.
    • The elderly Charles Burnside embraces his twisted desires when he meets Munshun. Forming a willing pact with the demon, Burnside is allowed to rape, murder and cannibalize innocent children while attempting to enslave the Breakers for the eventual overthrow of reality. In his pact with Munshun, Burnside shows himself to be as monstrous as his demon partner, even modeling himself after Albert Fish to outdo the past killer in evil, gleefully using Munshun's power to brutally kill the children he encounters with no care to the consequences as long as he is able to bring his desires into reality.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Hmmm, a supernatural character; tall, pale, dressed in a black suit with a red tie, kidnapping people with nefarious intent... Are we talking about Mister Munshun, or Slenderman?
