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YMMV / Arrow S 4 E 14 Code Of Silence

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  • Idiot Ball: The writers toss it to Thea to ensure she convinces Oliver to keep William a secret from Felicity. This despite Thea breaking up with Roy for lying to her.
  • Magnificent Bastard: The Demolition Team, comprised of Rosie, Hardhat, and Jackhammer, are a trio of mercenaries who excel in precision demolition of buildings using special charges. They are hired by H.I.V.E. to perform assassinations disguised as accidents. Faking a call from police dispatch, they lure Quentin Lance into a building they had rigged to collapse, which he narrowly survives. When Team Arrow back-trace their call, Hardhat activates the base's self-destruct, before Rosie destroys the laptop to keep the heroes getting to the intel on it. Ordered by H.I.V.E. to destroy the building where the Mayoral debate is held to kill Oliver Queen, and when the heroes attempt to neutralize the charges they activate booby traps, before the Demolition Team then go to engage the disadvantaged heroes in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Special Effects Failure: A Canadian Tire can be seen—with its name and logo highly visible—in the prologue (when Thea leaves the truck on her motorcycle), despite the fact that Star City is set in the United States. In real life, Canadian Tire has not expanded into the United States. note 
