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What Could Have Been / TUBEPOOP: Storymode

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A collage of several scrapped entries from Part Two

While all but one of the scenes submitted to Tubepoop Story Mode Part One made it in, a majority of Tubepoop Story Mode Part Two’s scenes after the prison breakout were rewritten, or scrapped. The collab originally was written on the basis of a script, instead of the participants continuing the story themselves. When 2022 began, the script was abandoned, and several of the plot elements and sequences made during that period were scrapped.

  • Lines for characters would occasionally be composed with the AI TTS website Uberduck. Uberduck is however seen as a lazy way to bypass sentence mixing in the YTP community, so conventional sentence mixing was used in favor.

  • Participants were originally able to insert their own OCs into their entries as well. The hosts considered it a form of shameless self-promotion, so the entries in the final version of the collab contain no OCs besides one single entry, thrown in as an Easter egg.

  • Originally, several participants tossed around the idea of a crossover with a YTP collab series dubbed "The Furious Three," made by Jake the 2nd and ex-pooper CamHead. The idea was seen as way too ambitious, so the idea was scrapped.

  • Instead of colliding into another train, the train sequence was going to have four different endings. They include:
    • Falling off of a washed out bridge and into a ravine.
    • Running over a penny and exploding comically.
    • Derailing after flying off of a broken set of rails.
    • Crashing into Seymour Skinner’s house. (In the entry’s remake, the idea was going to be brought back later in the entry’s development. This was also scrapped, however.)
      • The last ending also ended with the cops and Sir Topham Hatt catching up with Team Sus and I.M.P.

  • More elements of the train chase were to be included/implemented in early drafts.
    • The train was going to be even longer with extra cars that didn’t make the final cut.
    • The background was originally designed to pay homage to Hell Bent For Election but was replaced with a generic city background.
    • Moxxie was supposed to die by having a train wagon fly off the rails and crush him.
    • Multiple scenes where the train duels with a train being controlled by I.M.P were supposed to be implemented. A dueling scene was included in the final cut but only went on for a couple of seconds.

  • Sgt. Bilby (one of the collab’s participants) originally made two more entries other than his drug trip entry. One of them was going to involve Thomas the train communicating with the Greek gods. Another had Link running from the cops and heading into a bar. The latter got remade by another participant and was implemented in the arc where Link and the gang are down in Hell.

  • In one of the earlier entries, Ganon would have been with Mr. Krabs in the prison’s security office.

  • Instead of a horde of I.M. Meens running towards Zelda and Impa to kidnap them, they were originally going to be a horde of Sonics.
