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Warp That Aesop / My Hero Academia

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  • It is okay to give unstable and extremely dangerous powers to a young child just because his reckless courage inspired you.
  • People without superpowers don't matter. (If you're a genius inventor, well, you still don't matter, but at least you can support the people who do.)
  • Japanese doctors have no bedside manner, especially to children.
  • Teachers can get away with anything.
    • Japanese teachers won't intervene if a bully uses explosions on what is technically a special-needs kid. Suck it up, kid! That's life!
    • Teachers can tell whether or not one of their students is a prodigy or a lost cause on the very first day.
    • Not being able to throw a ball or touch your tippy-toes in a flashy way is good enough reason to expel a student. That's just The Spartan Way.
      • Even when it's just a ruse to draw out the said lost cause's true potential, it's perfectly justified to risk said student's career by highlighting their 'faked' expulsion on their student records.
    • Expecting children to already have 100% control over their superpowers when society forbids the use of those superpowers in public-spaces is perfectly reasonable for someone who's job is to take care of those kids and help them learn how to use their powers. That's just The Spartan Way.
    • It's fair to give a test on an exercise your teacher has given zero preparation on and expect all of them to pass. That's just the Way of the Spartan.
    • If a teacher neglects to prepare you for a test requiring you to learn a specific skill - like making victims feel safe in a time of crisis - that doesn't mean he's neglectful or incompetent. He has full confidence that you'll figure it out as you go.
    • When your students have been through one hardship after another that was completely beyond what was expected of them, calling a therapist isn't worth picking up the phone for. So what if one of them was kidnapped and almost tortured by a group of clearly unbalanced criminal supervillains? Suck it up kid, and you're suspended for three days for the out-burst!
  • Someone who picks on the weak, physically assaults them with hands laced with nitroglycerin, throws temper-tantrums at everything and tries goading a special-needs kid to commit suicide for circumstances at birth is the perfect candidate for being a superhero.
  • On that note, it's totally okay for such a person to beat up that special-needs kid he told to commit suicide in order to make himself feel better over misplaced guilt. If the special-needs kid doesn't want to be beaten up, then he's just not being a good enough friend.
  • You can only save people from danger if you have superpowers. Even if you have good intentions, it is only valid if someone happens to come along and give you powers.
  • Criminals always obey the law. Enacting laws that only allow licensed heroes to openly use their superpowers will absolutely deter rapists, thugs and murderers from using their powers to antagonize innocent civilians who are unable to legally defend themselves.
  • Being a police officer isn't as cool as being a superhero, so it isn't a career worth pursuing.
  • A boy with a stupefyingly powerful, yet self-destructive superpower and the altruistic heart to use it like a hero should is somehow less worthy of being taught how to be a superhero than a kid with sticky-balls in his hair who only wants to be a hero to pick up chicks.
    • Or the kid with explicit homicidal tendencies who thinks heroism means punching down.
  • Only flashy and impressive superpowers are worth acknowledging when admitting kids into a school for superheroes. Less physically intimidating powers that would still be super helpful in catching criminals (like mind-control powers) have to take extra-steps to be considered worthy of being taught to be a hero.
  • If you're a man fighting a woman in a fighting tournament, go easy on the woman or else the world will immediately hate you.
  • In a society of superpowers, children using their powers in self-defense when a bad guy with his own powers is attacking them is still technically illegal and requires special permission.
  • If you're a female superhero and your powers require you to expose your skin, you need to wear a revealing outfit because practicality. If you're a guy, we can make a full-body suit that acclimates to your powers because nobody wants to see you half naked-I mean, practicality.
  • If you happen upon a psychopath ready to kill innocent people in an alleyway and you don't have the right kind of ID, don't try to intervene or else you're a criminal too.
  • Of course a half-insane sociopath with Black-and-White Insanity has the capability to judge what consists a true hero and what doesn't.
  • If Kid A possesses an irrational hatred of Kid B while Kid B is only ever cordial with Kid A, obviously both are equally to blame for their bad chemistry.
    • The best way to resolve the issue of Kid B being treated with hostility by Kid A is not to scold Kid A and put him through anger management, but to force them into a situation where they have no choice but to work together or they'll fail their class and get seriously injured to boot. Get along or flunk out.
  • Being a parent and being a superhero are mutually exclusive.
  • The most efficient way to deal with super-criminals is by telegraphing your strike by shouting its name out-loud. That way they can anticipate it... I mean it would look really cool for the cameras.
    • Super-moves are meant to be finishers, so don't waste it or else it will further exhaust you and make you look like an idiot.
  • Your child gets kidnapped by super-criminals? Obviously it was his own damn fault!
  • It's perfectly healthy to develop an almost insatiable hatred over a person because he was rude to you once.
    • It's also perfectly reasonable to completely abandon something you were so dedicated to doing because some guy there did one rude thing.
  • What, a student from another school is being friendly to you and offering a handshake? He's obviously just an asshole deep down, so feel free to be an asshole right back.
  • You'll never make it in the detective business if you don't have a good sense of humor.
  • A brave young man who risks his life to save his friend out of nothing but the kindness of his own heart while avoiding a confrontation with the villains would absolutely be expelled under normal circumstances. A mole who betrayed the trust of you and your students and nearly got you all killed multiple times should be Easily Forgiven.
  • If you try to save a child who is being abused by a criminal, you're being too hasty and not handling the situation well. If it turns out the criminal is using the child to commit his crimes and grabbing them would have ruined his plans, you're not allowed to be angry at the guy who stopped you because he's a professional and you're just a kid. Adults are right even when they're wrong.
  • Forcing a kid who has documented anger issues to deal with children as punishment for failing a test is a great idea that can only end well.
    • Putting a kid in remedial classes because they failed a test due to being assaulted and rendered unconcious by a serial killer who got past the school's security is a reasonable decision. Yeah it's technically our fault you failed but you still failed.
  • Exploiting the affections of a teenage girl half your age for criminal purposes is totally fine, as long as she's legal by the time you get caught.
  • If you have a dream you want to accomplish, don't work towards that dream whatsoever, wait until you meet your idol, cry in front of him about how much you want your dream to become true and then, when he finally tells you it's possible, is when you should try working for it.
  • Sexual perversion is only okay if it's a woman who does it. A lewd boy whose main goal in life is to ogle and molest girls is disgusting and must disappear. A psychiatrically unhinged girl who derives sexual pleasure from stabbing men and drinking their blood is cute and perfectly acceptable.
  • It's okay to belittle your innocent child if he wants to be a hero just like his grandmother, just because she abandoned you for your own safety.
  • You should absolutely wait while your spouse abuses your child until the day he develops his quirks. Then is the correct moment to leave your spouse alongside your kids.
  • No matter if the heroes have sacrificed almost everything to protect you from the villains, risking their lives, identities and families. You should turn on all of them when it's revealed the Number One Hero isn't the least bit heroic when it comes to his family, to put it lightly.
  • It's okay to throw children who only have been training to be heroes for a little less than a year into a real-life war to help defeat dangerous villains who are more than willing to kill them if necessary. Then, after experiencing a severely traumatic event, send them right back into training without giving them a moment to process. They're training to be heroes; they should be able to handle this.
  • You should never give up your child for adoption, even if you do it specifically to protect him and do not have better options. This will only result in your child hating you and taking it out on their own kid who will in turn end up in the hands of the very villain you tried to protect your kid from in the first place and become his successor. Better to risk having a dead child than the possibility of a villain grandchild through some domino effect.
  • Having anger issues equals being an absolute twat.
  • Lizards are worthless.
  • It doesn't matter if someone is a mass murderer who refuses to change their ways even when offered the opportunity and fully intends to keep killing. If you kill them to stop them from killing others, you're a monster.
  • An all out war is a perfectly acceptable time to talk about crushes and love.
    • If a serial killer displays no remorse for their actions, actively tries to kill you several times, and rants about how everyone else is wrong for trying to stop them from killing people, they still deserve sympathy if you both happen to like the same guy.
