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WMG / X-Men: The Trial of Magneto

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Who killed Wanda
  • Erik: in order to have her resurrected as a mutant again.
  • Joseph: Magneto and his powers have been implicated in Wanda's murder, but I'm not currently inclined to believe that Magneto's grief and his recent reconciliation with the Scarlet Witch were all an act, and Joseph is a well-known evil clone with all the powers of Magneto.
  • Raven: she impersonated Erik and killed Wanda in order to incite a war between Krakoa and the Kree/Skrull in revenge for not resurrecting Irene.
  • It may be as jossed as all of the above, but I guessed Moon Knight.

Wanda (and Pietro) will be retconned back into mutants
Now that Disney has access to use mutants in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's not unlikely that the two will once again be recognized as mutants, and this storyline will be the thing to do it.
