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WMG / Will Save World For Gold

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The one word left out of the Cows' statblock is...
Common. The cows, and by extension the bull, speak common.

Ardon will eventually find a way to get back at the dwarf shopkeeper.
He's clearly not above such a thing, and he's displayed a certain... sadistic cleverness in the past. Possibly as a Brick Joke 15 levels from now, or possibly with a somewhat clever pseudoplan, as with the old questgiver with the +2 Jam.
  • Confirmed, he murdered him.

Ardon's an Anthropophile (in either a figurative or literal sense)

Recently, we've gotten a good look into Ardon's home life (as well as Eladrin society in general), which suggests that this may be the case.

  • First, Odivallus posits that Ardon's parents disowned him long before he killed Torrin, and his family seemed unwilling to protect/care about him before then, which implies more that they don't like him because of what he is, as opposed to what he's done.
  • He has, on separate occasions, had sex with Elle and kissed Odivallus, while showing no interest in any other characters (though to be fair, his interest in them both is graciously described as "subtle").
  • Eladrin society has a major problem with Fantastic Racism, particularly when it comes to the "mortal" races (those native to the material plane), so an obsession with humans would not go over well with them. If viewed in a sexual context, this would make Ardon's own behavior similar to Armored Closet Gay, with all that implies.
