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WMG / Veronica Mars S 02 E 12 Wallace And Rashard Go To White Castle

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Veronica was raised Catholic
Veronica’s behavior in this episode is highly consistent with someone who had a Catholic upbringing but no longer practices:
  • When asked to bug a confessional booth, Veronica flat out refuses to do it at first, and the combined pleading of Weevil and Logan only manages to get her to agree to a camera, but no audio recording. This is the only instance in the show of Veronica displaying any such scruples about bugging anyone.
  • When Veronica is at the church to plant the camera, she is positively squirming, thinking to herself the whole time that she is going to hell. This means that the only time in the whole show that Veronica is shown displaying any religious scruples whatsoever is when partially violating one of the Catholic Sacraments.
  • When it comes to apologizing for what she is about to do, instead of addressing God or Jesus, Veronica goes to the Virgin Mary, lights a candle and apologizes to her, which is a very Catholic thing to do, as Marian devotion is fairly rare in most Protestant denominations.
