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WMG / The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police

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The Adventures Of Sam and Max: Freelance Police is set in the same universe as Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars! and in an alternative timeline

Think about it. Humans and animals coexist with one another in the animated series, right. So it would most likely be an event of When Dimensions Collide and that would clearly mean the Toad Wars either never happen or would be canceled when the prototype particle acceleration generator causes an event where the Aniverse merges with our universe.

  • However due to how advanced the tech was for Earth they decided to leave laser guns out.
    • Had Sam and Max have laser pistols it would reinforce this WMG.
      • The same thing can be said with space travel since Earth was clearly not ready yet for space travel given of how Earth was at the time.
