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WMG / Tactical Cupcakes

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The other characters don't let T.C. drive, because they are aware of irl T.C.'s driving habits.
Many characters in LORE are implied to be meta aware, and Skylar is confirmed to be so. Clearly, they're aware that irl T.C. has severe sleep problems which lead to her nearly falling asleep when driving (which she admits to on stream). Since LORE T.C. is based on her irl counterpart, forcing her to car-surf is actually safer for everyone. Not only is T.C. unable to get behind the wheel to inevitably kill everyone, it teaches her a lesson by showing T.C. how the others would feel if she were the one driving.

Tankman is a time lord
Tankman is aware of everything that has happened, or will happen. He knows that his friends will always be just fine, without his help, thanks to T.C.'s plot armour. He also knows that they would never choose to leave him, despite Tankman clearly not caring about having actual, polite interactions with them. This would also explain how he remembers short T.C., despite T.C. trying to wipe everyone's memory of her.

Lia is in jail
Why'd you think she hasn't shown up since January of 2022? Surely, at least one character has enough common sense to report her. Others may be trying to hurt/kill T.C., too, but decking someone isn't based, when in the context of it being an abusive relationship.
  • Update: Lia has a really good lawyer.

Updike needs glasses
This guy has fired a gun so many times in LORE and has only landed a single freaking shot. Could he even tell that T.C. has grown several feet in height, since last seeing her, in the Takeover episode? Speaking of T.C., I think I'd trust her to drive over Updike.

And for the love of god, get Cloud a new shirt, she's been wearing the same shirt to school that is twice her size. Although, being that she has pink hair, a blue shirt, and light skin, he can't tell because she just blurs together into a trans pride flag.

Smiler (forgetting to add a "/s"): "How perceptive, Gabriel."
