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WMG / Spellward Bound

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Earth’s history is gonna need some SERIOUS rewriting.

According to the comic’s lore, ancient humans A) had magic, and B) were part of an i terplanetary alliance at some point in the distant past. However, it appears that no one on Earth currently knows about this fact, implying that this knowledge was forgotten, lost, or destroyed outright.

Earth is slowly re-entering the Aether.

The fact that Matt can still use—and feel—magic while on Earth implies that magic there may not be quite dead there. But that wouldn't be possible unless Aether was somehow flowing through Earth in spite of the displacement.

Mr. Caff is an Earth Mage

Or at the very least, knows about magic. When Matteo sneezed bubbles, Mr. Caff swiftly identified who did it, then shifted blame to the class troublemaker and gave Matt tissues.

The Aether is a Sentient Cosmic Force
