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WMG / Reversal of Fortune (TLH)

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The Louds will continuously suffer until they die on L-Day.
Lincoln, the Sweetwater's, and everyone else who heard everything the Louds did want them to pay. They already plan on killing them on L-Day, but they will never give any of them a break. Until it is time for them to die, bad things will continuously happen to them all whether it is because of someone else's, their own, or each other's doing.
Lori has soiled her pants more than once.
Ever since Carol gave Lori that sandwich laced with liquid-blended colon storm, she has been running to the bathroom a lot and became known as Lori BrownPants. Chapter 30 reveals Lori BrownPants became the biggest current Internet meme and chapter 42 reveals a montage of her most embarrassing moments set to her sisters' recording of Lori BrownPants and it all started with the back of her pants becoming brown and her going to the bathroom in a trash can. There has to be other times she failed to make it to the bathroom for Lori BrownPants to become this popular and a whole montage to exist.
Luan will kill herself before L-Day.
Several of Luan's body parts including her private parts are covered in gympie-gympie plant needles and this plant is so painful, it can make people want to kill themselves. She will be unable to deal with the constant beyond agonizing pain anymore and kill herself before she would have been killed on L-Day.
Lori will make one of her sisters become the new and only BrownPants.
Ever since chapter 18, Lori has become Lori BrownPants despite not being the only one who got pranked with colon storm. Her own sisters never stop calling her Lori BrownPants or singing the song, and she always hates it. She will prank one of her sisters by making her eat colon storm or something else without her knowing to make sure she is the only one getting called BrownPants. Also, while Lori will eventually recover from the colon storm, she will go way past overboard by making her sister eat an over extreme but non-lethal amount to make sure her intestines never recover and suffer permanent damage to the point she becomes incontinent. She will not only make sure her sister becomes the new and only BrownPants permanently, but also record and post every embarrassing moment she has so everyone else knows it.
Lynn Jr. will suffer and die as Squirrel Girl.
Lynn Jr. wants a new squirrel suit made for Lincoln, so he can be good luck again. Lincoln and his team already know about this but when they find out what she is willing to do they decide to help her out. They will have a specially made and modified squirrel suit that looks normal sent to the Louds before L-Day. Lynn Jr. will try it on and love to get Lincoln to wear it but be unable to take it off or damage it in any way, even Lisa will not be able to. She will spend all her time unable to take it off to eat, drink, shower, use the bathroom, cool off, etc. and slowly get worse and worse as time goes on. After the rest of the Louds except Lily die on L-Day, she will be told she will not be killed by them and instead stay alive in the squirrel suit where she will keep getting worse and worse until she eventually dies in it.
L-Day will not happen.
The Louds are scheduled to die on L-Day but Lincoln and the Sweetwater's see what all the bad things that happened to them have done and are still doing to them. They will cancel L-Day because they think killing them will be an act of mercy and instead keep doing bad things to them, so they suffer forever.

Theory by Lynkon.

Lynn Jr. will get the beating of her life.
Lynn Jr. has threatened to beat people up and kill them when they do something she does not like. She has even beaten up people already like when she beat her friend Paula senseless with her bat and broke her leg. She will get severely beaten up by Lincoln and her own friends and have every bone in her body broken. Paula can even permanently break her spine so even if Lisa heals her, she will be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.

Theory by eltioRob95.

Lori and Leni will be pregnant with Marcus Quick's kids.
Lori and Leni spent the night with Marcus Quick in chapter 13 and finished inside each other three times. They will both start experiencing pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and food cravings then find out they are pregnant. Marcus Quick will also find out about this and not know what to do.
