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WMG / NonPack

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Goset will be revealed to be an unholy god
In the scene where Karen and Honey are fighting at the chemical plant, Karen is shown to be saying a prayer to Goset...and shortly after she gets dragged into a vat of chemicals, she emerges as a demonic figure with supernatural strength that speaks an completely different language with its own alphabet. Given the dark and unholy feel to Karen when she was transformed, and the fact that Rich Port generally has a lot of dark stuff going on beneath the surface, it only makes sense that Goset isn't as holy as everyone makes him out to be.
Marcus Gambo is a younger relative of Yuki
During his torture, Yuki mutter's "Marcus", which can be assumed to be a mention of Marcus Gambo who was one of the first characters introduced before NonPack took off as a comic, and one that the author likes to draw alot. Ergo, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that Gambo is somehow related to him.
