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WMG / Nick Verse

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Drake & Josh are a reality show in the live action Nickverse:
  • That's why when Helen was on Victorious she retained her personality and when why see Craig and Eric in other shows they retain their personalities even though it's established in Victorious Drake and Josh was a show within a show.
The Nickverse and Tarintinoverse are one and the same.
Add all the Black Comedy and Comedic Sociopath's from both universes, and this makes sense.
There is not one unified Nick Verse, but at least two.
  • There is the original "Schneiderverse" which includes Drake and Josh, Zoey 101, iCarly, Victorious, and finally Sam & Cat. This universe has little evidence of anything as supernatural as ghosts or superheroes. Drake and Josh's appearances as an in-universe show here can be explained as a show that was eventually created using Megan's clips of them (as seen in the D&J episode "Honor Council"). In the other universe, the supernatural clearly exists as Henry Danger, the Thundermans, and the Haunted Hathaways all share connections. In the supernatural universe, most of the shows from the original Schneiderverse are fictional.
