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What exactly is up with Carmen

When one takes a cursory look at her, it will become rather clear that Carmen exhibits a number of Common Mary Sue Traits, which don't at all make sense within the City itself:

  • A large number of characters is drawn to her and/or succumbs to her by way of Distorting. Her voice and sheer persuasiveness have essentially led to the Disaster Dominoes that is the two games, and she could somehow regularly visit the Backstreet without any armor, physical enhancement or weapon, solely 'armed' with said persuasiveness.
  • When you finally fight her in-game as per Keter realization, she is a large cut above Angela, who, despite being human at the moment, posesses multiple strong E.G.O pages.
  • How she got the skills mentioned in the above points is not defined or very poorly at best. She never mentions having put effort in becoming like this.
  • With her extremely pale skin and red eyes, she qualifies for having special eyes note .
  • She's a pivotal figure in the life of many inportant characters such as Ayin, Hokma and Angela herself. In others, she was involved in a major turning point of their lives (excluding her acts as the Voice, Netzach, Tiphereth, Chesed and arguably Gebura). Due to this involvement, she causes the first point mentioned - without her, the story would not be the same like a Spotlight-Stealing Squad.
  • She shares the name with a certain infamous Femme Fatale, which is all the more suspicious. Like the one sharing her name, disaster starts when she dies.
  • Because she is a Posthumous Character, she is defined by her acts and how others worked alongside her first and foremost, and after that her personality. Even so, all that is told about her past life is positive. That said, much like how WhiteNight's file in its previous game has no notion at all of being capable of bringing down the entire facility, there is no negative record about her.

The Head is under the command of an AI

A particularly faulty AI at that.

This AI might've been tasked with the protection of human culture from a devastating event, without priority placed on the humans in that culture. The AI perhaps also placed too much emphasis on certain parts of that culture such as vicious capitalism and violence and decided to enforce that in its own way.

  • The AI might've put in the AI amendment to make sure that there's no AI that can overthrow it.

The reason for the ban on AI is cause the head fears that they are able to hold onto their humanity.

Specifically, the whole city is basically put under a near weaponized Too Bleak, Stopped Caring. The cruelty and bleakness everywhere fills the citizens with a sense of doom and apathy that in essence strips out their human element making them easy to control in a manner. What the head fears is that a robot with a human heart might be able to hold on to their humanity and not break, perhaps either instilling hope into the populace or to make more of itself that is similarly unshakeable, ultimately undermining their authority.
