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WMG / Joey

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The show was the product of Executive Meddling

According to the Friends Reunion special, the producers unanimously agreed to end Friends because they felt that the characters have reached a point in their lives where they'd hang out less, as with the exception of Joey, they are starting a family, and they'd like to end the show on a high note. If this is true, it implies Joey was created as a spinoff not because they wanted to, but because they were pressured by the executives at WB. And let's face it, WB execs are known to be pretty pushy and meddling, if Pinky, Elmyra and The Brain is any indication (which is further reinforced by Kevin Bright's criticisms). It also explains why the show fell apart the way it did- none of them really wanted to do it and their hearts weren't there, but it would be insane to turn down WB's money and probably losing their favour and getting shuffled out of future projects by the company as the result of turning them down. Also, Joey gets no mention in the reunion special, and the way Matt glanced at producer David Crane when asked about what he thinks Joey would be doing in 2021 implies that there is a Let Us Never Speak of This Again rule between them and that this show is an Old Shame, both to Matt and the producers Crane, Kauffman and Bright.
