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WMG / Hidden Talents

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Lucky hearing voices is not a part of his power; rather, he’s only able to sense where a lost object is, while hearing the voices is merely all in his mind.

  • Lucky himself sites the possibility of this in the sequel. It’s possible that he’s able to find lost things, but the voices are due to some undiagnosed psychosis. when given the disruptor, Lucky no longer heard voices because his powers were shut off, so whatever condition he has wasn’t able to manifest itself with them.

The boys have some bizarre psychic connection that allows them all some degree of knowledge for when one of them is in trouble.

While it seems contrived that all the boys end up in Philadelphia, all of the boys in the early part of True Talents all seem to “sense” that Trash is in trouble. It’s possible that it could be:

  • A secondary power that all the boys have in addition to the ones they’ve got.
  • A side effect of being around Martin, whose The Empath.
  • A side effect of a bunch of powerful psychics having strong friendships with each other.
