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WMG / Halloween: Resurrection

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Freddie Harris has a Compelling Voice and does not realize it
His first feat is persuading Sara to participate in the web show against her better instincts; nothing too special, but foreshadowing things to come;

When he tells Michael to "go out, scoot, skedaddle, get the fuck outta Dodge!" Michael does so without even stopping to kill him;

Later, when he sarcastically asks Michael if he "wants to be on Dangertainment," Michael stands pondering the question until he is told to "show what he's got" and begins attacking;

When Freddie tells Michael to "come and see" him, Michael ceases going in for an easy kill and simply watches Freddie perform kung-fu poses whilst making nary a threatening move. This allows Freddie to jump kick Michael out a nearby window;

"Trick or treat, motherfucker!" brings Michael to a mental standstill during which he simply takes several blows to the face. Michael snaps out of this enough to grab the shovel Freddie was hitting him with until Freddie exclaims "no!" to his face. Michael finds a loophole in this vague command and throws the shovel (with Freddie still on it) away;

Finally, near the end of the film, Freddie makes an off-hand comment to the seemingly dead Michael Myers: "Lookin' a little crispy over there Mikey... I hope you never rest in peace!" Sure enough, Michael returns to life in the film's final shot!
