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WMG / Frosty the Snowman

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Karen is actually an angel sent by God.
She is no ordinary girl but a wingless angel from the rest as she is known to know more about magic and other supernatural stuff which the others didn't know. Her mother is also suspected to be an angel from heaven.
How Summer Wheeze may work, and its potential impact on the environment.
At one point in Frosty Returns, Holly mentions that the grass looked dry after having the snow on it removed by Summer Wheeze. Perhaps that is how Summer Wheeze makes the snow just vanish when sprayed, it immediately evaporates the water in the snow, causing it to disappear. Maybe Summer Wheeze also goes a step further, removing the moisture from whatever surface the snow was on. Maybe continued use of Summer Wheeze would have caused the grass to dry out, and maybe even dried out the pavement so much it would have caused it to start cracking. This could lead to an increased workload for the road crews, and their trucks would've been pumping even more carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, causing an increase in global warming and acid rain. And speaking of rain, remember how it was mentioned at the beginning of this WMG that all the water from the sprayed snow would evaporate? Where do you think it would go from there?
Frosty would die permanently if he melted and his puddle dried up.
All the times Frosty has melted, his puddle remained wet. After all, snow is frozen water and the reason Frosty was able to be revived when he melted is the water was still intact. It also explains why Rudolph was so depressed in Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas in July when he melted. It was July and he was certain a winter breeze could would not come around in time to revive him before he dried up. So he suspected Frosty and his family were gone for good. And they probably would have been if Jack Frost had not arrived in time.
Frosty came to life through a combination of a Christmas Miracle and Love Imbues Life.
Professor Hinkle's hat had no real magic in it until Karen placed it on Frosty's head. At the beginning, the narrator suggests that there's always magic in the first snow of the year, especially when it falls on Christmas Eve, which is precisely the snow that Frosty is made of. Furthermore, the sequel, Frosty's Winter Wonderland, shows snow-people being brought to life by tokens either of love or of holiness: Crystal comes to life when Frosty gives her a bouquet of ice flowers he sculpted from the snow, Frosty himself comes back to life without his hat when Crystal gives him a similar flower and then kisses him, and the Snow Parson comes to life when a Bible is placed in his hand. Ergo, it wasn't the hat, in and of itself, that brought Frosty to life: it was Karen's love for Frosty when she placed the hat on his head, combined with the magic already within the Christmas snow he was built from.
