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Wild Mass Guessing for the Ennea Series.

WMG pages are for theories about future developments, so all spoilers are unmarked.

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Future Uraraka and Kaminari got Future Hawks caught by the Villains.
When Future Hawks's spy gig was nearly brought up, Yellow (Kaminari) and Pink (Uraraka) felt guilty. It could be they did something that led to Future Hawks being exposed as a spy working for the Heroes. Both Future Uraraka and Kaminari were pretty upset that the initial plan was to let Hawks infiltrate the League again (before their plans went wrong and they ended up in Hawks's head) and Kaminari only reacted negatively to that plan after Iida said they would arrive post-Hawks' infiltration into the League. Before that he was completely on board.
  • Confirmed. Future Uraraka and Kaminari went against their superiors' orders to leave it alone and investigated Jeanist's disappearance. They discovered Hawks and Jeanist faked the latter's death, which led to the PLF discovering that as well. Because of Uraraka and Kaminari, the PLF found out Future Hawks was a Hero spy, captured him, and killed him.
The Nomu Momo had to kill was Jiro's.
Red fled when Hawks asked how she escaped Nomu Jiro. To save her own life, Momo was probably forced to Mercy Kill Jiro after Jiro killed Future Tokoyami.
  • Confirmed.
The identity of the blue-eyed Nomu.
The Eight have flashback(forwards?) to a Nomu with blue eyes. Whoever it used to be and whatever it did, it traumatized them badly, implying they were close.

Potential identities:

  • All Might. Their teacher and the former Symbol of Peace.
    • Confirmed. Future All Might was turned into a Nomu and set loose on Mustafu. Bakugo mercy killed him to stop him.
  • Endeavor. Shoto's father and the current Number One Hero.
    • Jossed.
  • A mix of the two since Nomu combine people and their Quirks. Plus seeing the two former Number One Heroes as mindless Nomu would bring a lot of Heroes and civilians to despair.
    • Jossed.
  • Aoyama. Their friend and classmate.
    • Jossed.
  • Midnight. Their teacher.
    • Jossed.
All Might is connected to what made Bakugo lose his arm.
When All Might arrives and says his "I am here!" catchphrase, the Voices freak out. When Hawks snaps out of it, he clutches at his left arm and thinks "It's still there." Ergo, All Might had something to do with Bakugo losing his arm. Either that or Shigaraki created a Nomu that said his catchphrase to psychologically torment the students (which is something he would do.)
  • Confirmed. All Might's Nomu ripped off Bakugo's arm.
The identity of the other Ennea.
Just like it says, the identity of the person wearing Ennea's costume who saved Hawks from Amplifier. It's confirmed to not be Hawks, any of the Voices, Aizawa, Present Mic, or Amplifier so it could be:

  • Miruko. She could have found the Ennea costume and used it so the Commission won't know it's her. This also gives Hawks an alibi since he can't be Ennea because Ennea saved him in front of people.
    • Jossed.
  • Mockingjay. Same as above.
    • Jossed.
  • Twice. He wants to help Hawks and is known for covering up his whole body with his costume.
    • Unless Twice created a clone without realizing it or does not remember being Ennea, him being Ennea is Jossed since he did not learn about the attack until he saw the news.
  • Toga. She is obsessed with Hawks and might have lied to the League about not getting some of his blood during their fight.
    • Jossed.
  • Whoever had the glitch text POV in chapter 24 (they might be the Retiarius Nomu?) It's implied that person figured out Hawks is Ennea when they followed him.
  • Dabi. He knows Hawks tried to help expose Endeavor and got hurt for it so maybe he watched over him after.
    • Jossed.

It was an act.
In For Their Sakes, Future Monoma shows callous disregard for civilians during a fight with Redestro. Shinso brainwashes him to make him help. In For Our Sakes, it's revealed Monoma acted as a spy in the PLF until he was discovered and brainwashed. It's likely that Monoma already had his mission but acted callous to seem more like a Villain.
  • Confirmed.

The Spy
One of the UA teachers is a spy for the Commission. The only ones who are 100% not the spy are Eraserhead and All Might. That leaves these suspects:
  • Midnight. She's Hawks' new neighbor at the dorms and in a good position to spy on him. As revealed in Vigilantes, she also acts as a mentor to troubled students and could easily guide them towards working for the Commission.
    • Jossed.
  • Present Mic. The Commission spy was ordered to get close to Hawks and Mic is very welcoming. Yes, he's a friendly guy but it could be a ruse. He's often the League's traitor in fanfics so this could be a twist on that.
    • Jossed.
  • Vlad King. Hawks will have to work with him and Class 1-B which allows Vlad to be close to and "bond" with Hawks. He's also protective of his students much like the Commission spy pretends to be.
    • Confirmed. Vlad King is a spy who works for the Commission. He was sent to UA to spy on Nedzu and manipulate things so students of interest would fail out and be open to recruitment by the Commission.
  • Snipe. Out of all the teachers, focus was put on him in chapter two when Mic visited Hawks.
  • Power Loader. The Commission would want to recruit inventors like Mei for their organization.
    • Jossed.
  • Nedzu. With his intelligence it seems strange he has not realized there is a spy in UA, though it's not like he realized there was a League spy until Mic brought it up in the manga. He claims the Commission gave him Hawks' medical records to "discourage UA from hiring him" but that could be a lie and they gave it to him since he's an agent.
    • Jossed.

The UA (League) traitor's identity.
Unlike the Commission spy, the traitor isn't confirmed to be a teacher so it could be anyone at UA other than Hawks, the Eight's past selves, Aizawa, the Big Three, Tokoyami, and All Might. The author says Ennea's traitor isn't who she believes the canon traitor is so anyone is fair game. The traitor could be...
  • Jiro, who experienced the corrupted side of Hero Society when she was interrogated by Endeavor's Agency.
  • Midoriya, who could be sharing information unintentionally via the connection between AFO and OFA.
  • Mineta, though this is doubtful since the author admitted she genuinely forgot he existed for a time.
  • Monoma, whose future self could have pretended to join the League so easily because he used to work for them before secretly switching sides to the heroes. Pink mentioned that they might never have discovered the traitor in the future because they sought atonement and switched sides to the Heroes.
  • Hagakure. She is often forgotten, can sneak anywhere due to her Quirk, acts suspicious during the training camp, and is vocally upset that the Test of Courage was moved to a different time rather than it coinciding with the League's attack.
The likelihood of it being a teacher has gone up since the League traitor got into Hawks' apartment before the term began to put the tampered water in his fridge. Hawks and the Voices themselves note how difficult it would be for a student to get in during that time frame since most of the students weren't even at UA.
  • The League traitor could be Midnight. The story hints she is disillusioned with Hero schooling after so many kids fail out due to how tests are manipulated to favor certain Quirks rather than the students' own failings.
  • Present Mic is very friendly with Hawks but acted extremely distraught (or maybe guilty) after Hawks was poisoned. He also seemed to be trying to force himself to do something he didn't want to when he was bringing Hawks back to the training camp. Regretful Traitor?
    • Confirmed. The League's spy is a coerced Present Mic.
  • Recovery Girl. She also shows hints of disillusionment with Hero Society and could have been motivated to become a traitor to stop the Commission and their ilk.
Yaoyorozu killed Future Tokoyami, who had been turned into a Nomu.
Seeing present-day Tokoyami pinned down and struggling during a sparring session with Mockingjay was enough to trigger Yaoyorozu, and she confessed to Hawks that she watched Future Tokoyami die (with a lot of blatant guilt). She might have had to Mercy Kill Future Tokoyami because he'd been turned into a Nomu. For more of a gut punch, he'll be the one that begged her to kill him.
  • Jossed. Future Tokoyami was killed by Nomu Jiro while Yaoyorozu was trapped under rubble and unable to help him.
Momo killed the blue-eyed Nomu.
Hawks had a flashback to a Nomu begging her to kill it. Momo is one of the two female Voices and already showed self-blame for something that wrecked her self-confidence. Being forced to Mercy Kill a friend or teacher turned Nomu might be it.
  • Jossed. Bakugo had to Mercy Kill the blue-eyed Nomu that used to be All Might.

The escaped Retiarius Nomu is the Serial Killer.
The killings of people with light-colored hair and mutation-type Quirks popped up after Retiarius escaped. Maybe in its effort not to follow All For One's implied orders to capture Hawks, it accidentally kills other people. Or it catches them thinking they're Hawks and kills them when it finds out they're not.
Hawks will lose trust in Green.
Specifically when he finds out Green (Future Midoriya) was willing to sacrifice him to gain information on the League, just like the Commission. The only reason that plan changed was because the Eight ended up in Hawks's head and made him go missing for a year.

Endeavor will have his Heel Realization early.
Again, as a result of Hawks and the Voices' changes. The Voices know he is capable of changing (or at least becoming less of a jerk) and will guide him to that point earlier in the timeline for Shoto and his family's sake.
  • Jossed. The Voices refuse to bend over backwards to make Endeavor see the error of his ways and focus on getting the other Todorokis away from him. They've moved out of Endeavor's home by the time of the training camp and Endeavor still shows no signs of changing. The author's aversion towards Endeavor's redemption arc thanks to impertinent fans demanding she redeem him likely Josses this as well.

Someone else traveled back with the Eight.
Likely Dabi or Shigaraki since they were close by when Eri used Rewind. This will cause major problems for the Heroes as their attempts to change things are stopped.
  • Jossed for both Dabi and Shigaraki. We've seen Dabi's POV and he's not the future version. Same for Shigaraki.
    • Doubly Jossed. It's been confirmed no one else traveled back with them.
Endeavor won't have his Heel Realization this time.
As a result of Hawks and the Voices' changes, All Might won't retire and Endeavor won't have to reconsider his life choices. He will continue to treat his family as he has.
