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WMG / Dragon Goes House-Hunting

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In the Grand Finale...
After everything's well, the Big Bad(s) are defeated, Letty will probably become a stronger and more powerful dragon, and will see that his "true home" is with who he's bonded with through his whole house-hunting journey. Even if he is offered to return to his Dragon blood-kin, he'll reject it to stay with who he sees are his true friends (Dearia, Pip, Nell, maybe the Guard Trio, the monsters and guards from the Traveling Circus, Lilith, one hero that pulls a Heel–Face Turn, Emile, etc), saying they are his true home and family. After this we could have "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue of Letty living happily with his friends/new family.

One Hero will pull a Heel–Face Turn
Seeing how "Heroes" are towards Letty and other creatures, perhaps there could be one hero will see that Letty really isn't so bad and realizes how cruel she or he has been trying to hunt him for selfish reasons. After going through a Redemption Quest, this hero could become a Sixth Ranger figure to the main characters, joining Letty, Dearia, Pip, and Nell on house-hunting for Letty, giving her or him a chance to bond with them more (especially Letty).
  • The first two potential candidates are the hunter Huey and his cat partner Albert. Huey is the one who stole the egg from Letty's family and caused Letty to be disowned and kicked out and spread the rumor about Letty being the "Red Dragon Lord" who's plotting world domination. But Huey does not know ANY OF THIS! If he finds out that Letty is not the powerful dragon lord he thinks he is AND that it was his family's egg he stole, he may realize how much shit he caused Letty and will try to change his view of dragons, which eventually lead to him and Albert joining the main characters in house-hunting.

Letty is devolving
More recent chapters show Letty's body and limbs growing and shrinking, respectively. His tendency to not act like a typical western dragon, or not being around other dragons may be causing him to change into another creature somehow.
The anime will continue once the manga releases new volumes
As of right now the manga only has 7 volumes (and the most recent one was not released in the U.S.A.). So surely once more volumes of the manga come out, the anime should start a second season out of those new volumes right? And perhaps more seasons after that, finishing once the manga is finished.

Letty will gain more companions
As more volumes of the manga (and hopefully meaning more seasons of the anime) come out, Letty, Dearia, Pip, and Nell will come across other characters who (for different reasons each) will joining them on their house-hunting journeys. While the number of how many should join be a small number (let's say 4 for example), these characters will become important figures for Character Development for Letty and the others, as well as characters who they will eventually grow to see as True Companions. Possible new companions for the main cast could include:
  • A hero who realizes that Letty is a kind and gentle dragon, not the Red Dragon Lord who's out for world domination as the rumors say, and pulls a Heel–Face Turn.
  • A kind-hearted human (any gender) who unlike the "heroes" in this series, does not like killing monsters and and believes that monsters can be good as much as evil, but is bullied by "Yuusha" and other people of the community for believing such a thing and is viewed crazy. A human like this could join Letty and Dearia to find a home where monsters and humans don't go after each other and heroes don't attack others so much.
  • An orphan (human or monster) who doesn't have anywhere to go. A character like this could also have potential to play a part in Character Development as while Letty was thrown out of his home, this character never had a home to begin with, and could start off as jealous that the current main cast have all had homes before the house-hunting, before eventually mellowing out and joining them.
  • A hero of any class (but maybe a mage like Dearia) who is bullied and treated as an outcast by other heroes. Although they consider killing Letty and shown it to the others to prove themselves, they will begin to feel guilty about exploiting and then murdering a Gentle Giant such as Letty and eventually come to conclusion that killing him for glory, fame, and making gear is not worth anything. Seeing this, the hero could join the house-hunting cast to somewhere to get away from the heroes who torment them and find a home where they can be themselves, can level up in their class without peer pressure to hurt Letty or other monsters.

The group of people from the end of House 34.
At the end of chapter 34, we saw a group of ominous-looking humans sitting at a table. One of them, a man we can assume is the main leader figure among them, upsetly rants about how the Yuusha hunters couldn't defeat Letty and determinedly says that they must use to the "Flame Dragon King" to kill the Dark Lord (who happens to be our beloved Dearia). It's safe to predict that these people are the Big Bads of the series. Perhaps this group is the original Yuusha Party, the very first one, whose goal is to kill Dearia so they can ensure that all Yuusha parties can continue killing monstrous creatures (good or evil) to make gear and achieve fortune. They are probably watching Letty and Dearia's journey and will continue to send Yuusha to go after Letty until they get what they want. We'll have to wait and see what happens next but hopefully the more Letty gains allies and family, eventually will leads to the manga's Final Battle climax and the group's demise (which will therefore end the era of Yuusha forever).
