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WMG / Crashbox

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Crashbox is a reincarnation of another show.

In the late '80s to early '90s, The Learning Channel was home to a morning/early afternoon block for kids called Ready, Set, Learn. One of its shows was The Magic Box, with a premise similar to the one in Crashbox minus the metal denizens and clunky machinery. Also, rather than various animation styles, all the shorts and songs were animated in classical 2-D. The Magic Box seems to have been consigned to the dustbin of television history; it's extremely hard to locate, or even find online references for.

Eddie Bull wears a cologne that unbeknownst to him is chock full of pheromones.

Why else do animals of all sorts find him irresistibly delicious?

Eddie Bull is being hired to get eaten.

It would explain why no one, not even Eddie himself, tries to stop the animals from eating him.

Dora Smarmy is really a living ventriloquist dummy bent on destroying the world.

Just think about it; the way her mouth moves, her non-blinking eyes, random pauses in her dialogue. Freaky stuff....

Professor Rocket is the only "real" character.

Most of the segments are only in their game cartridges, but not Rocket's. This explains why Psycho Math's aesthetic matches that of the Crashbox itself so well, why Rocket is a robot (like all the robots running the Box), and why some of the fives and sixes from his cartridge are scattered around the Box.

Verity's full name is Verity R. Falls.

The word 'verity' means 'truthfulness', so, well, you do the math.
