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WMG / Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000

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In the Chuck E Cheese Universe, the movie is just a retelling of events that already happened in a documentary-inspired film.
  • Some of the lines could just be jokes the higher ups wanted to throw in, like Munch needing to go to the bathroom.
  • In the actual story, Pasqually's and Charlie Rockit's roles were reversed. The reason Charlie went with the characters and Pasqually didn't is just for the sake of having kid appeal.
  • The actual hermit and Pasqually were not implied to be the same. They use the same actor so that they wouldn't appear at the same time.
  • The only song that happened at the time is The Galaxy's For You And Me

Related, the reason Pasqually is played by an actual human without a face mask?
The real Pasqually was the producer

The Galaxy 5000 has Chuck E Cheeses as it's top sponsor after the events of the movie
And might also make the deal with the leftover prize money. [30 Keylars amount to $52,000, much bigger than $50,000]

The X Pilots will reform in prison and once released will become friends with the cast
Bonus points if they break contact with Dr Zoom due to finally realizing how insane he was to make them buffoonish, as since Dr Zoom is both the mastermind and the one who tried to murder Helen, he is unlikely to be released any time soon

There's an in universe reason why the planet Orion looks fully like a green screen effect
That's how the planet Orion was meant to look like. Heck, it is another planet.
