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WMG / Cartoon Beatbox Battles

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Their will be an beatbox battle between Deadpool and Thanos.
It just feels obvious.
  • Jossed, Thanos lost.
Bart Vs Cartman or Stewie vs Cartman will happen in season 2.
Sure, it states it is TV-PG, but they had Deadpool and he is basically TV-MA.
Patrick Star will win season 1.
He will go up against Black Panther or Pennywise and beat one of them.
  • He doesn't go up against Black Panther or Pennywise, but it is otherwise confirmed.
Donald Duck vs Daffy Duck in season 2.
A battle that is very likely.
Marvin Martian vs Invader Zim in season 2.
I mean why not.
Ninja Turtles vs. Power Rangers will be either...
The 80’s Turtles versus the Mighty Morphin Rangers or the 2003!Turtles against a Post-Zordon Era team (Lost Galaxy, Beast Morphers, etc).
Black Adam will appear in Season 2
On Livestream before the release of Shadow vs Vegeta,Verbalase said that he wanted Black Adam to appear in Season 2,if he appears,his opponents could be Doctor Doom(Marvel),Apocalypse(Marvel) or even Gilgamesh(Fate/Stay Night)
