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WMG / But Doctor, I Am Pagliacci

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Oliver Queen is The Soulless
It's happened in the comics, it can happen here too. Evidence for:

  • Oliver reacts oddly to magic- he mentions that it physically irritates him and he can't understand the Father Box, which communicates by magic. And while this situation does have an Ambiguous Situation entry, as the story has gone on he's still the only one to not understand Father Box- and the list of people who can includes the relatively sane Booster Gold.
  • He's oddly callous and an Upper-Class Twit, while the canon Ollie is Just Like Robin Hood- although this can be explained as Lex retgoning his pre-series character development.
  • The author has mentioned that commenters have guessed Ollie's situation, though he refused to say which theory was correct. The most common guess is that he lost his soul.
  • Superman is stated to have a hold on Oliver that even Oliver himself doesn't know about.

Given how many shout-outs there are to classic storylines, it makes a lot of sense that Green Arrow is reenacting the famous Quiver story.

What Happened to the Real Justice League
Most of the Justice League has been replaced by villains, and while we know what happened to Superman ( bodyjacked by Lex), Batman (died in Crime Alley as a kid), Martian Manhunter ( killed by his evil brother), and Green Arrow (still on the Justice League), there's a lot of heroes whose original selves simply haven't been mentioned, so here goes guesswork:

  • Diana:
    • Still on Themyscira.
    • Circe was able to destroy Diana and Themyscira like she wanted to in canon.
  • The Flash:
    • The Speed Force was re-directed away from Earth, so the Flashes' empowering never happened.
    • Barry Allen was killed in the accident that canonically turned him into the Flash, and the Flash family never happened without him around to catalyze it.
  • Captain Marvel:
    • The author implies that Billy Batson was killed, just like Bruce Wayne.
  • Aquaman:
  • The Hawk Heroes:
    • '1940s' Hawkman and Hawkwoman are mentioned as existing and using Nth metal flight harnesses. Presumably they either retired or were removed.
    • The Thanagarian Hawk People were probably prevented from ever leaving their home planet.
  • Green Lantern:
    • The Justice League Lantern got Earth declared restricted territory, so it's likely that Abin Sur never got near there and couldn't give up his ring to any of the Earth Green Lanterns.
  • Any member of the team who could time-travel (save Booster Gold) was probably captured or killed.
