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WMG / Black Mirror: San Junipero

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There's going to be a Crapsack World sequel to San Junipero.
It had a Happy Ending. This is a black mirror, not a bittersweet or vaguely grey one. Perhaps in series five there'll be an episode where either San Junipero itself has gone to hell, or, worse, Kelly and Yorkie have fallen out of love with each other but are stuck in immortality together. The longer they experience this, the more they grow to actively hate the situation. Nobody wants it to happen, but...

The purpose of TCKR System's San Junipero is not altruistic or therapeutic.
The facility shown at the end of the episode requires time and money to run; the electric bill alone would cost a small fortune. So what's the true purpose of it? One idea: All those people who have "passed on" represent an incredible stockpile of knowledge and experience. Suppose that TCKR's intent is to draw from that to make an AI or their universe's version of Replicants? Even if an inhabitant chose to delete him- or herself, that may only mean that they are taken offline and who-knows-what is done with them afterward?
